High-Resolution Vintage Image Collection of 750x PAPER TOY TEMPLATE SHEETS (Download)

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Product Overview

PRINT & CUT OUT...Mobiles / Masks / Games / Puzzles / Paper Theatre
Dioramas / Decoupage / Model Railway / More!

* Huge Ready-to-Print DOWNLOAD Collection * All printers, Large Format & Standard
* Resolutions up to 450dpi * All vintages - use again & again 
* Hundreds of hours of fun for all!

This giant, Special-Price vintage paper toys collection  (Volumes 1-3 Combined) is only available from Collectaprint in this restored and enhanced-for-digital-printing version. While much of the original material is in the public domain many of the images are from private collections. The scan images have been restored and especially enhanced for digital print making. Accordingly this collection is unique in many ways and may not be cloned, re-sold or distributed by copiers and imitators.

A Wide Range of Periods

The toy sets are supplied in many sizes which can be adjusted to suit. Most are high resolution. Many come already sized for A4 printers while others are up to 35 inches wide which when reduced to A4 size (using any basic free or purchased graphics or photo manipulation programme) come out a a whopping resolution of 450 psi. so the is great scope if you have a larger format printer. The collection is for computer use across a wide range of arts and graphics or paper craft projects, or simply for play-time pleasure. Examples from all early periods are included from Victorian onwards.  Simply print and cut out as is or paste first onto card. Not the usual thumbnail type images with no real purpose - this is a big, restored disc collection of Paper Model & Toy Sheets for Print Making and assembly.

DOWNLOAD (3.5 Gb, 10 files).