Silver Screen Movie Stars & Posters Image Collection - Instant Download

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Product Overview

THIS wonderful Silver Screen movie ephemera collection is a giant, hand-picked treasury of 10x8inch approx physical size (as supplied) Prints and Photos (enlargeable upwards) of stunning full colour Movie Posters & Portraits of male and female Film Stars from the golden age of cinema. All downloadable upon purchase.

Our collection is designed specially for making poster prints and high quality repro photos for decor, hence the larger than normal size (most collections feature hosts of small images unsuitable for print making) and as usual with Timecamera collections the images are uniquely restored and optimised for photo quality computer PrintersIn short it’s the best collection available for making repro prints!

The images are all supplied as jpeg’s saved at minimum compression. The resolutions supplied range from a bare minimum of 170-odd psi through high resolution 300psi, up to extra-high resolution at 400 psi. In other words, the images offer scope for  further enlargements if you have a large format printer making it not only the best collection around but also the best deal at this giveaway price.

Regarding quantities, the movie posters section alone features some 200-odd images of restored, all-colour posters with most of the usually-seen creases and other cosmetic damage carefully removed by the Timecamera studios. Similarly the photos secrions (some 600 of actresses and 265 actors) have all been enhanced for making mostly b/w 10x8’s which are barely distinguishable from originals - although our improved photos often tend to be better quality than the originals!